
This year the Ottawa Professional Firefighters Association is working towards improving the overall Parade by helping groups find each other in the Community. Each year we hear from various groups who want to participate but cannot due to funding or manning/resources issues. This Partnership proposal is set-up to help resolve these issues and help improve the floats that enter our Parade.

The general idea is to compile a list of both Business and Community groups who want to participate in the Parade and would share in the efforts required to enter a float. Community based groups often have the manning and resources to create floats worthy of participating in our Parade but usually lack the proper funding to make it happen. On the other hand we hear quite often that local and corporate business’s often lack the availability of staff members to build or create a float but nonetheless would like to participate and have funds available to become a partner.

At this time we are accepting names and numbers to compile a list, which we will offer to prospective Community and Business groups. Applicants will be able to choose a suitable partner before committing. A list will be kept in our office however the Group name will be listed on our Web site to show who is interested in hopes of attracting more partners, at no time will we be listing any personal information or telephone numbers on the web site, contact will be organized by Bob Rainboth.

Community groups will be asked to forward what they can provide, both in manpower to build and create, as well as the number of participants for Parade day. If the group has an idea in mind for a float, details pertaining to that idea should be listed and a rough dollar figure would make partners more aware of the commitment required.

Business or corporate groups will be asked what could be supplied from their part. Primarily in financial means, and also what sort of involvement they would like to have in the process. If there are members of the business that would like to be involved in the creation or participation on Parade day, this should be made clear from the start. It would be generally understood that business recognition would be made visible on the entry however we caution that the signage be conservative as not to detract from the overall appearance of the float. Entries in the Parade, which have business names attached are classified as business entries and would therefore be required to pay the $200 entry fee.

Finally, any organization which may want to participate by supplying vehicles, trailers, generators, or other are encouraged to contact us to see how we can make use of such a resource.

Please send your information to Bob Rainboth – or call (613) 880-3473

Bob Rainboth
Parade Chairman

If you’d like to volunteer your time, please fill out the form below.